%global namedreltag .CR2 %global namedversion %{version}%{?namedreltag} Name: netty-xnio-transport Version: 0.1.1 Release: 0.1%{namedreltag}%{?dist} Summary: Netty Transport powered by XNIO License: ASL 2.0 URL: https://github.com/xnio/netty-xnio-transport Source0: https://github.com/xnio/netty-xnio-transport/archive/netty-xnio-transport-%{namedversion}.tar.gz BuildRequires: jboss-parent BuildRequires: maven-local BuildRequires: xnio BuildRequires: netty4 BuildArch: noarch %description This is a Netty Transport powered by XNIO. It can be used to either wrap an existing StreamConnection and AcceptingChannel or to bootstrap a Netty powered server directly. %package javadoc Summary: Javadocs for %{name} %description javadoc This package contains the API documentation for %{name}. %prep %setup -q -n netty-xnio-transport-netty-xnio-transport-%{namedversion} %pom_remove_dep "io.netty:" pom.xml %pom_add_dep "io.netty:netty-transport:4" pom.xml %pom_add_dep "io.netty:netty-buffer:4" pom.xml %build %mvn_build %install %mvn_install %files -f .mfiles %dir %{_javadir}/%{name} %doc LICENSE README.md %files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc %doc LICENSE %changelog * Thu Jan 09 2014 Marek Goldmann - 0.1.1-0.1.CR2 - Initial packaging